Whether it is the big picture or in the details
– the quality has to be optimal.

I can help you in the following ways and processes:

Ensuring transparency:

It is crucial that you as customers are involved through the entire process from idea to finished product, so that you get exactly the outcome that you expect and need – and often with great savings. Ensuring a transparent process is complex, and I can assist you on all levels in this process.

Controlling the tendering process:

Whether you have a standing agreement with an agency that works with an in-house production model, or contracts film jobs to external production companies, I can help you find the right production set-up that matches your budget and your expectations. My involvement will optimise the process and can save you money right from the beginning.

Ongoing collaboration:

Let me assist you with the production meetings and participating on the set when shooting the film, thereby making sure that you will end up with exactly the result you were looking for.

Do you know everything you should know about filmmaking?

I will give you a two-hour workshop which will bring you completely up to date on all the basic knowledge that is needed for a good and lean process. Please contact me here.